The Haven

Unity in Marriage Challenge: 7 Challenges to Bring You Closer

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Unlocking Deeper Connections

Valentine’s Day isn’t just a celebration; rather, it’s an opportunity to deepen the connection that lies at the heart of every enduring relationship. Beyond the flowers and sweet treats, this Valentine’s Day, I invite you to embark on a journey that transcends the traditional norms. Join me in the Unity in  Marriage Challenge, a 7-part exploration designed to strengthen the bonds of love, communication, and shared dreams in your marriage.


As we delve into the importance of unity, let’s not only talk about it but actively engage in fostering a deeper connection with our spouses through the Unity in Marriage Challenge. Are you ready to play for the same team and take on this challenge?


Let’s dive in together and discover the transformative power of real unity in marriage.

The Same Team Philosophy

Previously, I shared in a post how my spouse and I discovered solace and strength in the simple yet powerful concept of being on the same team. During challenging moments—on difficult days, in the middle of disagreements, or amid frustrating parenting episodes—we often take a breath and repeat the phrase ‘same team’ to each other.


This simple mantra has become a source of comfort and strength, pulling us back together when life’s challenges try to push us apart.


I vividly recall a moment in the kitchen with my husband as we attempted to prepare dinner for two very hungry and cranky kids. Frustration was building within me, and when my husband asked how he could help, I snapped at him. In that moment, he calmly took my hands and reminded me, ‘We’re on the same team. What can I do to help?’ A deep sigh of relief followed.


Taking those brief seconds to remind ourselves of our shared team helps to recenter us, bringing us back to the same page. Sometimes, that simple affirmation is all we need to navigate the challenges. Other times, it serves as a cue for a more extended conversation, guiding us back to a place of unity.

Two can stand back-to-back and conquer

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Ephesians 4:9-12NLT

This beautiful passage, filled with wisdom, resonates with the journey of our marriage. I think back to the days before I was married to TJ and I can easily see how God created us for one another.


Where I am weak TJ is strong, and where he is weak, I am strong. We could do life apart, but the fullness of life we have together is beautiful. We offer support and encouragement to one another that couldn’t be found elsewhere.


I love the last part, which is often quoted in wedding ceremonies, “…a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” No matter how strong TJ and I make each other, it is only when we add Christ to our marriage that our love becomes invincible.

Accepting the Unity in Marriage Challenge?

To celebrate the spirit of unity this Valentine’s Day, I have created a simple 7-part Unity in Marriage Challenge for you and your husband.  Throughout the challenge, you will discover simple ways to grow closer to one another and Christ. 


How quickly you complete the challenge is up to you. 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months…whatever works for your schedule.


Click below to subscribe and get a copy of the Unity in Marriage Challenge instantly.


In the game of love, marriage, and everything in between, being on the same team is a winning strategy. As Ecclesiastes wisely emphasizes, the strength of two working together significantly surpasses that of one. Embrace the Same Team philosophy, create a vision together, and take on life’s challenges as a united front.

This Valentine’s Day, commit to strengthen your bond and play for the same team – your team. Download the Unity in Marriage Challenge today!