The Haven

Same Team: 3 ways to strengthen your marriage

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Same Team in your Marriage

Marriage is not easy. I will never forget the first time my husband held my hand, looked me in the eyes, and said the simple yet profound phrase, “Same Team”.


After a long day of work, we were sitting in the driveway having a heavy heart-to-heart. A long silence filled the car, then he said those two simple words. You could feel the heaviness evaporate. 


I think it is fairly obvious that, as a married couple, we should be on the same team. But as any married couple can admit, there will come a time (or twenty) when something slips in, and it can be easy to forget that you are playing for the same team.

Life throws cureveballs

A job that is overly demanding mentally and physically.    CHECK.


A tragic loss of a cherished one.    CHECK.


Moving homes…seven times.    CHECK.


The loss of a job.    CHECK.


All of those happened within the first 3 years of our marriage. It was really difficult at times, there were many moments we would utter the phrase, “same team,” and then sit in silence.

Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together

Matthew 19:6NLT


God created marriage to be a beautiful example of unity. His intentions for our marriages were that we would be so unified in body, mind, and soul that nothing could tear it apart. The world will do everything it can to stand in the way of God’s plan for our marriages.

Here are 3 easy ways to strengthen your marriage, to foster unity to a depth so that no one can split it apart:

1. Communication

Communication forms the bedrock of any strong marriage. It’s not just about talking but truly listening. Listening to your spouse more than you talk can help you understand their thoughts and feelings better.

When discussing concerns or conflicts, use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. This helps to express your feelings without assigning blame, creating a safe space for open and honest conversations.

2. Quality Time

In the whirlwind of everyday life, finding quality time together can seem challenging, especially if you have children. However, making an effort to prioritize it is crucial.


Whether it is setting up monthly date nights, taking a weekend getaway, or simply setting aside the first 30 minutes after the children are in bed each night, making sure to establish quality time is essential. This time allows you both to connect on a deeper level and strengthens your emotional bond.

3. Acts of Service

Acts of service in a marriage don’t have to be grand gestures; it’s often the little things that count the most.


Out-serving each other means going the extra mile to show your love and appreciation. It could be as simple as preparing breakfast for your spouse, helping with chores, or surprising them with a small thoughtful gift. 


These acts of service create a positive cycle of reciprocation and demonstrate your commitment to one another.

Building a resilient marriage

In the ebb and flow of life, marriage can face challenges that test the unity of even the strongest couples.


Remembering that you are on the same team and actively working towards unity is essential. By improving communication, carving out quality time, and practicing acts of service, you can build a marriage that stands strong against life’s trials and tribulations.


In the end, it’s the small, everyday efforts that create a bond that nothing can tear apart. So, hold onto that unity, cherish it, and let it be the guiding force that keeps your marriage resilient and full of love.