The Haven

Armor of God for Moms: A Practical Look Ephesians 6

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Step onto the parenting battlefield

Your toddler threw a cup of milk across the room, and your preschooler turned getting dressed into a full-blown war. Ever considered how applying the armor of God in Ephesians 6 could shape your parenting?


Join me in understanding the armor of God, applying these principles as moms, and discovering our greatest weapon in defending our family from external influences.

Unveiling the Spiritual Battle

When I first became a mom I was mesmerized by the innocence of my baby. Looking down on his sleeping face I honestly believed that he was perfect.


As he grew into toddlerhood, so did his temperament. He liked seeing how far he could push little boundaries. As he has gotten older, the opportunities for loving correction have only multiplied.


One day after an especially difficult morning, I found myself on the verge of tears, sitting quietly on the couch while my little ones napped. I felt so defeated and questioned my abilities as their mom.


Later that evening, as my family gathered for our weekly small group, the discussion centered around Ephesians 6:10-20. Those verses hit home for me.


In this post, I am going to share with you the purpose of the armor of God in our mothering, an example of a practical application, and share with you the most important weapon we have in protecting our children.

The Importance of the Armor of God for Mom

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:10-12NLT

When applied to parenting, this passage suggests that we should vigilantly recognize the spiritual battle surrounding our family. Children possess a sinful nature, and it becomes our responsibility to guide them with love and understanding.


Paul’s teaching in Ephesians reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, our children, but against the spiritual forces of evil.


When our children act out, we must discern the root of the behavior, whether it stems from their sinful nature, external pressures, or even spiritual warfare.


Instead of responding with harshness, we are called to approach discipline with love and a desire to lead our children away from the temptations and influences of the enemy.


We have the blessed calling to stand in the gap for our children. We are responsible for creating an environment that fosters spiritual growth and resilience. This involves not only correcting undesirable behavior but also teaching children about the redemptive power of God’s love and forgiveness.


By recognizing that children may be vulnerable to the enemy’s influences, we shield them from the evils in this world and guide them toward a path of righteousness.

What is the 'Armor of God'?

Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt fo truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that your will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shirld of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God

Ephesians 6:13-17NLT

As moms, when we meditate on the verses above, we recognize that we are not just navigating the challenges of parenthood with our strength but are called to draw upon the strength provided by God’s armor.


Let’s look at the functions of the Armor of God as mothers.

Belt of Truth

Picture the belt of truth tightly fastened around your waist. It serves as the foundation for your parenting principles. This truth becomes the standard against which you measure your words and actions, creating a solid moral foundation for your child.

Body Armor of Righteousness

Next, the body armor of righteousness guards your heart as you strive to live a life of integrity and godliness. This righteousness not only shields your spirit but also sets an example for your children to follow. 

Shoes of Peace

The shoes of peace allow you to tread gently and bring harmony into your home, creating an environment where your children feel secure and loved.

Shield of Faith

When you take up the shield of faith, you are equipped to deflect the fiery darts of doubt and fear that evil may use against your family. Faith is what anchors our households in unwavering trust in God.

Helmet of Salvation

The helmet of salvation is a symbol of the eternal hope you teach to your children. It is a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.

Sword of the Spirit

And, finally, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. It empowers you to speak truth into your child’s life. The Scripture is our guide for how to correct, instruct, and encourage in love.

Putting on the full armor of God is an intentional and daily commitment to provide spiritual protection for our children.

Putting on the Armor Every Day

You won’t be donning a suit of armor when faced with the everyday chaos of motherhood—such as your toddler defiantly tossing his cup across the room or your preschooler staging a morning protest against getting dressed. 


So, what does it look like in our reality?

Regulating Reactions in the Heat of the Moment

In the heat of the moment, I take a conscious moment to pause and take a deep breath. This helps me to regulate my reaction.


By taking the time to calm ourselves we can respond in peace and love and not anger and frustration.

Embracing Grace in Parenthood

I too am a sinner saved by grace. Reminding myself of this helps me to think about how God responds to me when I sin. 


Giving in to our sin-nature only reinforces undesirable behavior in our children.  When we take a moment to respond in a godly way we teach our children that there is a better way.


 We have an opportunity to teach a valuable lesson. Are we like the world? Or do we model grace?

Nurturing Discipline with Love

Nothing good comes from a lack of discipline. It is necessary for raising godly young men and women.


While how we discipline will vary from family to family and even child to child, one thing should remain the same.


Our correction should be born of love. We can address whatever the issue is by providing correction that is both peaceful and firm.


Aim to embody a calm presence, guiding your children to understand the consequences of their actions

Fostering Understanding and Self-Reflection

Once the situation has de-escalated, I like to have a conversation. I want to make sure they understand which behavior was wrong, why it was wrong, and why they received the consequences they did.


If they don’t understand why they are being corrected then the correction is fruitless. I like to encourage my children to ask questions if they don’t understand something. 


Having a conversation not only fosters understanding but also lays the foundation for them to learn self-reflection.

Guiding Your Children to Better Choices

Don’t stop at correction. Instead of just telling them what not to do, off them alternatives of better ways to handle the situation.


It could be as simple as explaining safer ways to hold a cup or suggesting kinder approaches to getting dressed. Or it could be teaching them coping mechanisms for them to use when they get angry. Instead of hitting our brother we can take a deep breath, remove our body from the situation, and call for help.


We can easily guide our children toward choices that align with safety and kindness toward themselves and others.

Real-Life Scenarios: Yes, Sometimes It Means...

…My toddler might not get his spilled milk back with his meal.


…My preschooler may need to wait to play with his Hotwheels until he’s dressed.


…Mommy has to give space until the behavior has calmed down so she doesn’t get hurt.


…We put boundaries in place to prevent the repetition of actions.


This approach acknowledges that parenting is a dynamic journey, and the application of discipline changes based on our unique circumstances.


By incorporating these practical steps, I strive to not only address the immediate behavior but also foster a deeper understanding and growth in my children.

Our greatest weapon

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Ephesians 6:18NLT

In every moment of discipline, we need to acknowledge the root sin and pray for God’s grace in the situation.


Pray over your children, and let them hear you pray for them. Ask God to still their hearts so their ears can hear you and their hands obey. 


The most powerful weapon we have in parenting is prayer over our children. God has given us the tools we need to protect, train, discipline, and love our children.

You are Super-Mom

Using the armor that God has lovingly provided us allows us to become a SuperMom! When we humble ourselves and acknowledge that our strength and wisdom come from God, there is truly no weapon that can stand against us.


Through prayer, consistent study of God’s Word, and reliance on His Spirit, we stand prepared to face the spiritual battles that may threaten the well-being of our children, aiming to nurture their hearts and souls in the light of God’s love.


I invite you to share your own experiences and insights in the comments below. Let’s build a community of support and encouragement for each other.