The Haven

Playful Mama: How to find time for self-care

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Taking care of ourselves is not a luxury​

Motherhood is a wild ride, full of love and laughter, but let’s be real, it can also be downright overwhelming and exhausting. As moms, we wear many hats and often put our own needs on the back burner, leaving little time for self-care and play.


But here’s the thing – taking care of ourselves is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. We’re going to dive into the wonderful world of self-care, the art of setting boundaries, and some fabulous ways to have fun and recharge our spirits.


You know when you’re on a plane, and they go through that whole safety spiel about oxygen masks? They always say, “Put your mask on first before helping others.” Well, there are days when my house feels like a chaotic flight, and I’m desperately in need of an oxygen mask! Those are the days when I haven’t taken a moment for myself recently, and let me tell you, the struggle is real.


Life as a mom is like having a never-ending to-do list. Feed the family, do the laundry, tackle those pesky cobwebs, find the missing sippy cup, change diapers, schedule check-ups, meal planning, grocery shopping – the list goes on and on! It’s easy to get lost in the sea of responsibilities and forget that we need a little TLC too.

Here's the Secret: Moms need to play too!​

Yes, you heard me right. It’s not just about the kids having fun; it’s about us too. Just like putting on our own oxygen masks first, we need to prioritize our well-being before we can be the supermoms our loved ones need us to be.


Taking care of ourselves isn’t selfish; it’s a way of recharging our emotional and physical batteries. When we recognize this truth, we can start finding those precious moments for ourselves amidst the beautiful chaos of parenthood.


Now, let’s rewind a bit. Before we became moms, many of us had hobbies or passions that brought us immense joy. Remember those days when we could dance freely, strum a guitar, or create beautiful artwork without a care in the world? Well, just because we have little ones running around doesn’t mean we have to give up those passions entirely.


Sure, life may have shifted, and our time might be more limited, but the beauty of self-care is that it can take various forms. Maybe you can’t dedicate hours to your old hobbies, but you can still indulge in small doses of joy. Dust off that guitar and strum a few chords, dance like nobody’s watching (even if your kids are giggling), or take out those paintbrushes and let your creativity flow during nap time.

How do we find time to play?​

I have tried all the ‘tricks’ to find time for myself. “Get up earlier!”…but I need to sleep? “Stay up later!”…again, I need to sleep. And we all know by now that we are supposed to, “nap when they nap”. So what have I done?


As moms, we’re also masters of setting boundaries (even if it doesn’t always feel like it). It is essential that we communicate our needs to our family. So, here are some boundary-setting gems to keep in your back pocket:


“I haven’t finished my coffee yet. Please try to do it yourself first.”

 “I’m doing my Bible study right now. Can it wait 5 minutes?”

“I am reading a book. I’d like to finish this page, please.”

“No, I’m working on something and I need to finish it before I stop.”

“Hey Fam! Mommy needs a break today. Daddy is calling the shots!.”

By setting these boundaries, we get the space we need AND teach our little ones about respecting others’ boundaries – a valuable life lesson for them and a sanity-saver for us.

What does play look like for us?​

Once we’ve set healthy boundaries, it’s time to indulge in activities that bring us joy and replenish our spirits. Here are some ideas for playful self-care:



  • Solo adventures: Take some time for yourself and go for a walk, visit your favorite store, or explore a hobby shop. The freedom to indulge in your interests without distractions is invigorating. 
  • Creative expressions: Rediscover old hobbies or explore new ones. Color in coloring books, crochet, paint, or try your hand at any form of artistic expression that brings you joy.


  • Mindful leisure: Spend time outdoors, identify birds in your yard, or simply sit quietly in nature, allowing yourself to unwind and reconnect with the world around you. I started identifying the birds in my backyard using BirdNET and Merlin. It has been fun listening to them on the front porch and trying to figure out what they are just by their songs.
  • Audiobooks and learning: Dive into the world of audiobooks to enjoy captivating stories or learn something new and exciting.  I enjoy listening to a good book on Scribd while I clean the kitchen after dinner.
  • Social connections: Engage in activities like participating in a weekly ladies’ Bible study, attending a class, or joining a local community event that fosters social connections and personal growth.

This is your permission to go and play this week!​

Moms NEED and DESERVE time to play and practice self-care. By setting healthy boundaries and making intentional efforts to engage in activities that bring us joy, we are better equipped to handle the challenges of motherhood with a refreshed mind and spirit. 


So, whether it’s rediscovering old passions or exploring new interests, self-care is a journey of finding what makes our hearts sing. Remember, it’s not about sacrificing our role as moms; it’s about embracing the idea that we can be amazing mothers while also nurturing ourselves.


What hobbies or passions brought you joy before motherhood? Are there any new interests you’ve discovered since becoming a mom? Let’s swap stories and inspire each other in the comments below. And this week, promise yourself some “me time” – no guilt allowed! Your well-being matters, and when Mama’s happy, everyone’s happy.

This week, promise yourself some “me time” – no guilt allowed! Your well-being matters, and when Mama’s happy, everyone’s happy.