The Haven

Statement of Faith

There is one true God

I believe in God being three persons in one. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Together, they form an inseparable bond that weaves through the tapestry of our spiritual journey.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 3:16-17, 1 John 5:6-11

Salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone

I believe that God sent His Son, Jesus, as the Messiah, to take on the weight of our sins. His sacrifice paved the way for us to be reconciled with God. The best part? It's not about what we do, but about having faith in Jesus. Salvation is a gift, freely given, and cannot be earned through our own efforts. It's all about embracing God's grace and placing our trust in Him and Him alone.

The Holy Spirit is alive and active today as it was in the Bible

I believe that God sent the Holy Spirit to indwell in us at salvation. The Holy Spirit is our constant connection with God. He is our counselor and encourager. I believe that through the filling of the Holy Spirit, we are the hands of God on this earth. We are called to be bold and empowered to not just spread the gospel but to act in the gifts of the Spirit daily.

The Bible is 100% truth

I believe that every single word in the Bible is divinely inspired by God Himself. It’s a flawless masterpiece, free from any errors or mistakes. For me, the Bible serves as more than just a book—it’s my compass, guiding me in every aspect of my life. 

There is unity and liberty in the body of Christ

In the Christian faith, there are foundational beliefs that we can agree are CORE to our salvation. I addressed many of those beliefs above. It is those beliefs that promote unity within the body of Christ.

However, it is important to recognize that there are also other aspects where we can exercise liberty. Conviction-based beliefs, while important to the individual, do not determine our salvation.

In my blog, I will openly share my personal convictions. You do not have to share those same convictions. We can embrace our unique perspectives while still finding common ground in our faith journey.

Contact Me

I would love to hear from you. If you would like to share your journey of motherhood with me please send me an email.